Franchisee Benefits
- Franchisee can earn incentives from Rs.5,000/- to Rs.50,000/-Per admission.
- Company provide lead support to every franchisee.
- Company provide admission consultancy Cloud ERP Software Support.
- Franchisee can keep track of the follow-up of each student.
- Company provide dadicated franchisee manager.
- Account Management: You can keep track of accounts as well.
- Franchisee can pay directly to college/university account.
- Franchisee can manage their student data on our apps.
- student and franchisee both can check the status of any students from our mobile apps.
- Centers can search courese details take enquiry & admission on their franchisee panel.
- Qualified Professionals Team of Franchisee Managers.
- Flexible Installment option of payment for students.
- Online/Offline Exam Facility is available at College/University Campus.
- Online Enrollment Verification/Student Login available on University Official Website.
- Seat Allotment Letter will be given at the time of admission by franchisee.
- Admission Conformation SMS will be sent by the Admission Provider.
- Company will provide Authorized Certificate & Letter on the compnay letter head.
- Company will keep the details of franchisee on our official website with name, designation, photo & address.